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New Local SEO Trends For Local and Small Business Internet Marketing
Submitted by: Jeffrey Stine
95% of Small and local businesses fail to acquire top position in search engines. This is mainly due to failing at the fundamentals of SEO and internet marketing. In 2011 there will be a push for diverse content in a way unseen in recent times.
Previously, getting listed in directories was the only goal for a webmaster. Now, with the advent of Google, the web has changed. Web 2.0 and Social media have dominated the scene. In 2011, two critical factors will benefit companies with websites.
1. Diverse Content – Never before has there been a demand for a company to market in such a way that articles, blogs, videos, social media, RSS, and podcasts are the norm. A local business owner who is not adept at each of the Internet Marketing Services doesnt stand a chance against a competitor that is either a seasoned internet marketer, or one who has employeed a Local SEO specialist. The ability to obtain diverse content across the web, is an art and science that will rule the school in 2011.
2. Direct Response Website – Business card websites are outdated, but still around. Local companies are failing to take advantage of social media, opt-in, autoresponder, and other technologies that allow them to continually market to a target audience, vs simply a hit on a web page. Industry experts agree that by utilizing direct response websites, conversion rates move from a 2-3% average to a 10-20% average!
3. Social Media – Social Media will still be king in 2011. Companies will learn more about at least having profiles at Twitter, Facebook, and Linked In. Although in 2011, social media will still be a younger crowds game, more and more businesses will follow the example of the Business Giants, and catch up sadly…..and tweet they will.
The fighting frontier for Google space will culminate in an evolution of companies becoming more web savvy. Internet marketing will move from the wayside, to the forefront. Every business is in the marketing business. As phone books and traditional media dry up, so internet marketing will take off.
And although Google would love it if they had more and more space for a Page One search, alas, the victors of war will come out on top, and push the competitors that don't want to market online….out the door.
Internet marketing for small business is a simple and straightforward process, however, like everything it requires an investment in either time or money. Huge returns await, as the average ROI (Return on Investment) for a well optimized and top ranking website is MOUNTAINS above traditional sources.
A good internet marketing campaign should include all of the aspects listed above, and for now, be very affordable. SEO companies will stop getting the $5,000 – $10,000 per month for the art and science of internet marketing, and SEO is for the masses. Small Businesses have a level playing field and should see SEO pricing fall. For less than the price of a half pages in the phone directories, small businesses can find internet marketing services that will change their business.
About the Author: Jeffrey Stine is aSenior Internet Marketing and SEO Strategist in Frederick, MD. He is an outspoken advocate for internet marketing, in particular for offline businesses. He is a public speaker and trainer in Local Seo and Internet Marketing for Small Business.Frederick, MD SEO Check out the video: Local SEO
Source: www.isnare.com
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